The XSILIO Platform
Positive impact on sustainability and your organisation’s carbon footprint
Instant reporting allows tracking of ESG efforts and impact
Enhances people and client engagement on environmental matters
Improves cost efficiencies and profitability
Streamlines business processes
The Solution.
XSILIO is an asset reuse platform that promotes a circular economy. It enables organisations to reuse their assets internally and further afield in order to achieve their environmental and sustainability goals.
Our solution comes from the understanding that fundamental changes in our economic interactions are vital for the continued growth and health of our commerce, planet, and civilization.
Based around the concepts of the circular economy and the clear evidence that wastage is having a detrimental effect on other efforts to improve the environmental impact of responsible organisations, our solutions offer the opportunity for an immediate impact by enabling and empowering organisations to reused and repurpose items that are either no longer needed or deemed at end of life.
Organisations globally are incurring costs and producing a negative environmental impact by not reusing the assets that it owns. Where some recycling is possible, it does not go far enough. Not all materials are recyclable, and for those that are processes and logistics mean that it is not as environmentally friendly as we would wish it to be.
Currently most organisations will pay to have assets such as furniture and equipment taken away or, hopefully, recycled. It is rare that an organisation looks internally to repurpose its assets before turning to the waste truck, however, whilst an asset may no longer be of use to one area of the organisation, there may be another in need of the same.
The XSILIO platform brings together the users and potential users from across the organisation so that on an easy to use system, in real-time, they can collaborate to repurpose assets. If in a University one department is redesigning its labs, the first instinct might be to call a removal company or even to resort to filling a skip meaning a cost to the organisation in financial terms and a bigger cost to society as the furniture that’s no longer needed ends up in a landfill.